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Pleasant surprise....STINGS

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 2:14 pm
by Wally
I had 4 hives to die out over the winter. I went out today to spray the comb with bt to keep the wax moths out. There were robber bees cleaning them out, but as foragers, they do not sting, so I ignored them and kept spraying.

As I separated the boxes of the last hive, they began to attack. One sting on the leg, 3 on the belly, one on the head, told me quickly that this hive isn't a deadout. Only a live colony protecting it's hive would do that.

So, I've got one more hive than I thought I had. :D

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 3:41 pm
by ski
Thats cool Wally.
About the hive not the stings. Stings are still a suprise to me.

They must have been in pretty good shape going into winter to get this far with out supplemental feeding.