I went in the top box of each hive yesterday to move some frames of capped stores from one hive to the other as one hive seemed to be getting a little low and the other hive had 8-9 frames of capped stores.
The Russians had the extra stores, so thinking nice warm sunny day no wind, I won't need a suit, gloves, vail, smoker.... hmmm.....got stung twice and butted 3-4 times by the Russians before I could get a vail on and the smoker lit. The Italians must have known they were getting something because they were as nice as could be. You just never know.
Just fell out of the bed laughing. Can't say I will be enticed enough to go without my veil. I have gone in plenty of times without a smoker and haven't had but about 1 or 2 tough times. Any pics?????
lol Glad I was able to add some humor to your day.
I have gone without a smoker and veil a few times but it was just a quick look without pulling boxes. Whenever I pull boxes the smoker and veil are in use.