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Supers & frames

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 6:02 pm
by Wally
I now have medium supers and frames. They are from Dadant, so are not assembled.

I also have deep frames from Dadant.

Want some frames

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 9:39 pm
by thegreypony
Hi, Wally-
Got an email that our nucs need to be picked up tomorrow. Well, I goofed our order from Brushy and while I remembered to order the deep boxes so the nuc frames would fit, I apparently didn't order the deep sized frames.

I want to buy 6 frames for my two nucs. Can you supply these? I also only have the wax for the medium sized, yeah, I need that too. Oh, yeah, and one more thing...can our nucs hang out at your place for a few days? We've chosen an alternate location for the hives and we've got to take some thick underbrush down after lunch tomorrow - might get it done real quick if I don't blow up the tractor...I can't seem to get in gear with this bee adventure!! :oops:

thanks!! Joy & Darrell Cobb

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 5:22 am
by Wally
I have the frames and wax. You can also leave them here as long as you would like. I do recommend that you bring your hives down here and install them today. They will be much better in the hive than in the cardboard nuc boxes.

You can call me at 302-2708