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Winter Wind Break

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 8:26 am
by M Gall
Hello All,
The natural wind break that I was using was cut down for more farming.
There was trees and under brush that keep the wind down, but the farmer that owns the land next to my bee yard removed some trees and the under brush to add more farming land. Here is the Question, is there a cheap way of making a wind break from this winters wind. Note. there is a large open field before my bee yard. This year was a good location with plenty of Honey produced. The neighbor farmer is thinking of making that field in a blueberry field. :lol:
Open for any ideas.

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 11:36 am
by Wally
Bales of straw.

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 3:12 pm
by ski
Pine straw bales work well , you can put them right up against the back of the hive, they are small and easy to move. Then in the spring you can mulch your islands.
I have also found that landscape fabric works well as a wind break. You need to put up a few poles and some wire fencing between the poles and then the landscape fabric against the fence. I put a few bales of pine straw against the fence to help hold the fabric in place and put a tie wraps through the fabric around the fence strands near the top. It worked well for me last winter and plan on using it agin this winter.