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daring or just crazy?

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 4:16 am
by Kurt Bower
OK... here is my story!
I try and manage my hives the best I can but sometimes one gets away from me. Yes I mean a swarm!
Between checking a couple of hives, I ended up in the middle of a 3 lb swarm. They were flying all over the place and I was trying to tell myself that perhaps they were someone elses bees. I often wonder if I dont cause these things but have no validation.
Anyway, they naturally went as high as they possibly could; 40 feet up in a cedar. Well I couldnt just let them go could I?
So to the top of the cedar I went with a rope tied around my waist and lopping shears attached to the other end. Once at the top I pulled the cutters up and realized that they were a little too far to reach. Or were they?
Anyway, I am standing in the top of this cedar trying to cut the branch off without losing all the bees. I tied a rope to it first so I could lower it down to my wife. And it worked! My legs are still a little weaker for the experience.
I left out some of the details but you get the picture.
The bees are happy and so am I. :lol:

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 5:21 am
by Kurt Bower
Well, I checked my little swarm after a couple of days and could not find the queen. Perhaps I killed her somehow!
I gave them a frame of eggs and I guess they are on their own now! :cry:

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 6:46 am
by Wally
Well, there was a hive in Greensboro in a tree that the people wanted removed, so I did. I cut all the limbs off, cut the tree level with the truck bed, slid the tree onto the truck, still upright. Tied it off from all four sides and came home, tree and all.

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 4:26 am
by Kurt Bower

You sound much more creative than I do. Why didnt I think of just cutting the tree down? :shock:
Anyway, I have verified that the nuc was queenless. They had already drawn out 5 queen cells from the frame of eggs I gave them.