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Let me pass this little tip along -

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 1:21 pm
by jae
Since I'm new to the bee world I have been doing a lot of reading etc the last 8- 10 months. I have Carniolan. I've read where our girls occationally enjoy a little swim in others pools.. (For whatever reason) - With a housing development across the road from me and one known swimming pool I decided to buy my girls their own bird bath pool. Since they do have an attraction certain smells I decided to put some 'Honey B Healthy' in theirs.

Last evening I went down to check and clean it and they were like cattle in the feed lot. So cute watching them all circled drinking. lol What do they need with clorine anyway.... If I wanted blondes I would have gotten Italians. 8)


Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 2:06 pm
by 4Paws
Liked your idea! I used a large clay dish from the garden supply shop, bottom piece for a planer. When I told them what I was doing they gave me a bird bath bottom to sit it on, they had broken the top and couldn't sell it anyway. Put a few handfuls of gravel in the "feeder" so the ladies would have good footing. They seem to like it. Greenview Garden Center on Liberty Rd in SE Guilford Co is the shop that gave me the price break. They also sell some honey from local beeks.