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bees!!! (from one of skis students)

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 12:28 pm
by tat2guru
went out to the hives today,lots of bees flying around (i guess because it was so warm) lifted up on the hives, both of them still felt heavy.
took off the tops and put 1 bag of sugar in each hive,
the white hive had food stores that i could see
the red hive also had food stores that i could see.
the red hive bees were alot more teed when i opened up the top,i am glad i had on my hood and gloves!
i also learned today that if you have a regular coat on make sure you zip it closed because teed off bees will get on the inside of your coat and sting you as you walk back to your house. i imagine i looked like i was trying a new dance move,instead of break dancing i was bee dancing.
see you the first of the week
i'll call you before i head that way

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 1:14 pm
by jae
:lol: :lol: Sorry for all the laughing but I can just visualize those new dance moves.... We all will see them at one time or another. There are some brave ones who go it bare armed and I give them credit but I will need my gloves and hooded jacket indefinately, thank you.. I swell and don't need a sting to the head again.
Mine are living on their honey now but come around mid- end January I will start to feed them some Mega Bee to get them off to a good jump start, I'm hoping. I have Carniolan and they are suppose to be a good spring starter. We will see. This is their first winter and mine too. Hope our bees all make it!