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Farm Bureau Honey Bee Cost share Program

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 3:33 pm
by ski
The Winter 2009 edition of the BEE BUZZ has an article on the Alamance county Honey Bee Cost Share Program and indicated you can contact other counties main Farm Bureau offices and talk with the board Liaison to set up a similar program.
After approval from Rob Jacobs I talked with Emily Simmons the board Liaison at the Guilford County main office and she checked it out and indicated that the Cost Share Program was only for Alamance County and Guilford County was not going to do the program at this time.
However, that only eliminates Guilford county others may try other counties, you may want to coordinate so only one person calls from each county.

The Honey Bee Cost Share Program is where Alamance County Farm Bureau provided money for 30 hives wooden ware and bees valued at approx $6500. The Alamance County beekeepers picked 15 new students to receive 2 hives each. The share part comes in with the student purchasing the smoker, hive tool and veil.