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Need some help getting my OH through this winter

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 9:24 pm
by specialkayme
I have an OH (see pics below) that I put my last hive in (bad year, lost three) hoping that it would make it through the winter. All things were going well. After the winter solstice I fed 1:1 sugar water and 50/50 pollen/Mega Bee. The queen started laying, but about a month ago she stopped. Now the numbers are dwindling to the point where I don't think they will make it through if she doesn't start laying soon.

I've been advised that they probably do not have enough nurse bees to keep the brood warm. I was also advised to either add a frame from another hive, or just add some nurse bees. I have neither.

Can anyone help me save this hive? or give me any pointers on how I can save them myself?

I realize this is not an excellent time of year to give up a frame of bees, so I really apologize, I would just prefer not to lose the last of my bees from the year.

Thanks for any help. ... 130006.jpg ... 130005.jpg ... 130007.jpg ... 130008.jpg ... 130009.jpg

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 9:41 pm
by Wally
#1...I do not like the idea that they abandoned the brood or whatever is under the cappings in the middle frame and the upper right corner of the bottom frame.
#2... I don't like the color and shape of the cappings themselves.

I would call one of the state inspectors and ask him to look at it. You may not want to put bees back in the empty boxes you have.

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 10:08 pm
by specialkayme
It's capped honey. They don't have any brood going, in any stage.

But thanks for the heads up. I didn't notice anything odd about their capings. Would it help if I tried to get a better, upclose picture of them?

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 6:31 pm
by Wally
I don't understand why they are where they are. Is there honey under them?
I would like to see a close up of the two honey areas.

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 10:34 am
by specialkayme
They are located in the bottom left corner closest to the feeder (I think because they were cold). I have since moved them to a warmer location in hopes that this changes things.

There is honey located to their right, as well as in the top center of the middle frame.

I would be more than happy to take a picture of the two honey areas when I get home.

Thanks for the help Wally.

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 7:24 pm
by specialkayme

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 9:19 pm
by Wally
Yes, it looks like it could be just old honey, but the only sure way to know is stick a stick in a few of them.

Back to the OP, If you can weaken the sugar water down to 1 part sugar to 2 or 3 parts water, and add a small amount of pollen sub., it should get her to start laying again.

Also, try to stop all drafts into the hive and keep it at least house temp. or warmer. If she doesn't start laying then, I don't see much chance for it.

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 9:23 pm
by specialkayme
Thanks wally. I've already reduced the entrance about a half to reduce draft , and moved it six feet away from the window (which doens't have great insulation) and closer to the heater vent.

I gave them pollen substitute about a month ago, but I think I should probably try a different kind. I've heard good things about Megabee.

I'll give them a more diluted amount of water next. I was trying 1:1, but now I'll try a little less sugar.