Search found 81 matches

by specialkayme
Tue Sep 08, 2020 8:40 pm
Forum: Just Stuff
Topic: Public Service Opportunity
Replies: 2
Views: 9808

Public Service Opportunity

A pre-school teacher in Greensboro is looking for someone to visit her class of ~5 youngsters to talk about the importance of honeybees (outside, with a mask, while maintaining social distancing). She'd prefer if someone could bring an observation hive to show to the little ones. Specifics can be wo...
by specialkayme
Thu Aug 08, 2019 3:14 pm
Forum: Beekeeping 101
Topic: What's the going price for pure honey.
Replies: 3
Views: 14726

Re: What's the going price for pure honey.

I'm a little late to the party on this post, but generally Pints go for anywhere from $9-14, and Quarts go anywhere from $17-25. As for your wax question, yes you can get wax out of those old dark combs, but there's alot of left over "stuff" (called "slumgum" in the industry), so...
by specialkayme
Tue Jul 10, 2018 4:17 pm
Forum: Beekeeping 101
Topic: Varroa damage?
Replies: 3
Views: 8849

Re: Varroa damage?

The photo clearly depicts a DWV infected honey bee. DWV was present in hives before the introduction of varroa mites. So the presence of DWV doesn't mean, by definition, that varroa are present in high numbers. However varroa are vectors of diseases and viruses, DWV included. Which means high levels...
by specialkayme
Sat Jun 09, 2018 11:04 am
Forum: Wanted/For Sale
Topic: Used 6 Frame Honey Extractor
Replies: 0
Views: 14906

Used 6 Frame Honey Extractor

If you need an extractor, I have a 6 frame Dadant "Ranger" model honey extractor for sale. Can extract 6 medium or shallow honey frames at a time. Optional deep baskets included, so you can extract 3 deep frames at a time as well. I used the extractor for almost 10 years, but recently got ...
by specialkayme
Tue Jan 16, 2018 8:23 pm
Forum: Beekeeping 101
Topic: 2017-2018 Winter Losses?
Replies: 7
Views: 14877

Re: 2017-2018 Winter Losses?

Perhaps. I've usually found colonies that have very small clusters this time of year and die as a result were the culprit of large mite counts.

But I requeen frequently, so I don't see fall/early spring queen failures anymore. It may bias my views.
by specialkayme
Tue Jan 16, 2018 4:50 pm
Forum: Beekeeping 101
Topic: 2017-2018 Winter Losses?
Replies: 7
Views: 14877

Re: 2017-2018 Winter Losses?

Did you take mite counts after your late August/early September treatments?
by specialkayme
Mon Jan 15, 2018 5:14 pm
Forum: Beekeeping 101
Topic: 2017-2018 Winter Losses?
Replies: 7
Views: 14877

Re: 2017-2018 Winter Losses?

So how did they look Jacobs?

I cracked my hives last weekend, and so far I haven't lost a colony. Still a long way to go till spring though :)
by specialkayme
Sun Dec 31, 2017 7:20 am
Forum: Beekeeping 101
Topic: Absconded!
Replies: 12
Views: 23139

Re: Absconded!

You had mite counts of 150? What method did you use? If you tested 300 bees and got 150 mites from that sample, you had a 50% infestation rate. If you get infestation rates that high, the hive is already dead. They just don't know it yet. Nothing much you can do to save them after that. Many advocat...
by specialkayme
Wed Nov 08, 2017 1:44 pm
Forum: Beekeeping 101
Topic: Earliest time to rear queens
Replies: 5
Views: 11819

Re: Earliest time to rear queens

Thanks. That sounds fairly consistent with what I remember. Based on my memory, I'd sometimes see some drones flying in the second week in February, but usually not many. Most purple eyed drones I remembered seeing were in the first or second week in February. My current plan is to do my first round...
by specialkayme
Tue Nov 07, 2017 2:23 pm
Forum: Beekeeping 101
Topic: Earliest time to rear queens
Replies: 5
Views: 11819

Earliest time to rear queens

What's the earliest in the year you graft for your queens?

Trying to do some planning for next season, and I usually don't graft until I see purple eye drones. Depending on how much I feed, I can see purple eye drones in mid February some years. Just looking for some comparisons.
by specialkayme
Wed Feb 03, 2016 10:22 am
Forum: Just Stuff
Topic: Bees Collecting Pollen Sub
Replies: 23
Views: 238653

Re: Bees Collecting Pollen Sub

I don't know if I'd go as far as to say tye are used to make more beers than a hive can handle. I use pollen patties, and I don't make nucs or sell packages. I put pollen sub on ~25% of my hives. These end up producing massive populations, and I rob frames of brood from most of these ~25% to "d...
by specialkayme
Fri May 15, 2015 7:58 pm
Forum: Extractions, cut outs, removals and swarms
Topic: Ossipee Cutout
Replies: 7
Views: 14993

Re: Ossipee Cutout

If you don't mind me asking, how much did you charge to do the cutout?
by specialkayme
Fri May 15, 2015 3:46 pm
Forum: Beekeeping 101
Topic: Cutting back on population size after main flow
Replies: 11
Views: 23315

Re: Cutting back on population size after main flow

The goal, as was explained to me, was not just to equalize the populations of the various hives. It was to cut back on the population size of all of the hives, and do so in an equal proportion. If you have a hive that has 12 brood frames and another that has 8, you can move brood from the strong to ...
by specialkayme
Fri May 15, 2015 9:35 am
Forum: Beekeeping 101
Topic: Cutting back on population size after main flow
Replies: 11
Views: 23315

Re: Cutting back on population size after main flow

I believe the goal is to cut back on colony's population size post flow. In order to do that, you have to either: 1. Lose a large percentage of the foragers; 2. Remove a good amount of brood; 3. Straight up kill some bees; or 4. Maintain smaller populations to start with. The 4th option will reduce ...
by specialkayme
Thu May 14, 2015 3:53 pm
Forum: Beekeeping 101
Topic: Cutting back on population size after main flow
Replies: 11
Views: 23315

Re: Cutting back on population size after main flow

Good point. Didn't think of that.
by specialkayme
Thu May 14, 2015 1:17 pm
Forum: Beekeeping 101
Topic: Cutting back on population size after main flow
Replies: 11
Views: 23315

Re: Cutting back on population size after main flow

I've heard of commercial beekeepers doing the same, but I've never heard of them cutting down production colonies to X frames of bees in order to accomplish the same thing.
by specialkayme
Thu May 14, 2015 9:10 am
Forum: Beekeeping 101
Topic: Cutting back on population size after main flow
Replies: 11
Views: 23315

Cutting back on population size after main flow

Past few years I've had some crazy horrible issues with robbing. Strong colonies would overtake weaker ones, which usually resulted in a domino affect, usually happening during our nectar dearth in July. It gets so bad that some years I've lost 60% of my hives in the summer. In my opinion, this was ...
by specialkayme
Fri May 08, 2015 1:52 pm
Forum: Extractions, cut outs, removals and swarms
Topic: Legal question
Replies: 14
Views: 26431

Re: Legal question

The English rule was that pursuit granted a property interest. The American system has rejected that rule. The common case on point was out of New York in the early 1800's: In the end, if it's a wild animal (which for our purposes it most likely is, but t...
by specialkayme
Mon Apr 27, 2015 4:11 pm
Forum: Beekeeping 101
Topic: Tulip Poplars blooming!
Replies: 13
Views: 39466

Re: Tulip Poplars blooming!

I hope you guys are right in that the Poplars just started mid to late last week. I heard a guy in WS mention that the flow was on for him about two and a half weeks ago. I didn't get a chance to ask him what plants he was talking about, but usually this area that means Tulip Poplar. I don't know ab...
by specialkayme
Mon Jan 26, 2015 3:33 pm
Forum: Beekeeping 101
Topic: Pollen spotted 1-25-15
Replies: 6
Views: 12568

Pollen spotted 1-25-15

Went out to a few hives to feed some pollen sub, and noticed some pale yellow pollen coming in. Took the opportunity to open a hive and inspect a few combs (probably shouldn't have, but oh well). Had 2 solid frames of eggs, and one frame of mixed brood. Looks like maples are in bloom, and the season...