Continue Feeding?

Local question related to beekeeping in the Piedmont Triad area asked and answered here!

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Continue Feeding?

Post by Pharmacyman »

I fed my hives sugar cakes this winter since honey stores were low. The blocks are about 9"X9"X2". I noticed one hive gobbled one up entirely just in the last two weeks. Upon inspection this week the colony is storing quite a bit of nectar in the hive, but I'm not sure if it's sugar nectar or from the nectar flow ya'll have been talking about on this message board. Should I keep feeding or are we in the nectar flow now? And do I want to stop feeding once the flow begins?
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Re: Continue Feeding?

Post by reedyfork »

With the flow we've had so far and the amount of stores I've seen in my own hives, I discontinued dry emergency feed a few weeks ago. This was especially true once they started filling the feeding shim space with comb, drone brood, and honey!

It's also warm enough now that if you personally feel the need to feed based on your own hives' stores, you could go ahead and switch to liquid syrup. However, if I did this I would go ahead and think about putting a box of foundation on them to try and get some comb drawn.
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Re: Continue Feeding?

Post by Wally »

I agree with Reedyfork, but another idea is feed until you install your honey super. Liquid when warm enough, solid when cold.
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