When to add supers

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Ron Young
Guard bee
Posts: 288
Joined: Thu Mar 22, 2007 10:34 am
Location: McLeansville

When to add supers

Post by Ron Young »

When should supers be added. Are they already on, or is it too early? What effect will this weekend cold snap have on the blooms, and honey flow?

I just checked the queen right hive. I looked in on them on the 23rd of march, and found the queen and a good brood pattern in the single deep. Then I had 7-8 frames of brood and eggs. I added a second deep, and have not looked in on them, other than just peaking in from the top, since. Today I went into the top deep and found that five frames were mostly drawn out, and all had eggs in them. In 12 days, I really did not expect that much to have been done!!

I started to add one of the queen cells from the split and allow the bees to decide if they needed a new queen or not. I am glad that I did not do that. Without going into the bottom, I am guessing I have 12-13 frames of brood and eggs.

Post by Locust&Honey »

Fantastic!!! I hope that is going on in my hive. I added a deep super 6 days ago and I am dying to see what they are doing. Now I must wait until we have warmer temps. I also don't want to set them back 3 days by looking in during the flow. I would also like to know how the cold would effect the honey flow. Now I have something to compare my hives to when I go in. Eggs and comb in 12 days. I will report that next week. If I go in.
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