Caught one!

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Caught one!

Post by hazmatinferno »

I put a swarm box out on Monday and was planning on giving it a week before checking. It was so nice today that I walked down to take a look. Much to my surprise there are bees! I figured I would give them a few more days to ensure they are settled in. However, they seemed to be coming in and out fairly regularly so I believe it to be more than just scouting. I am in the Colfax area.
Photo of the bees
Photo of the bees
Screenshot_20240307_202453_Gallery.jpg (251.51 KiB) Viewed 2487 times
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Re: Caught one!

Post by Wally »

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Re: Caught one!

Post by Linda »

Mine are up, but empty so far
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Joined: Tue Jun 06, 2023 2:32 pm

Re: Caught one!

Post by hazmatinferno »

It looks like I spoke too soon! Last night, I taped the hole on my bait box....pulled it down....moved it up to my yard.....and slowly pulled off the find......ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Apparently the bees I saw decided not to move in. I put it back on the tree this morning. Hopefully, the girls looking for a new home will change their mind and take up residency soon.
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