Any word from NUC land?
Is there a projected date, an estimated date, a guess, a SWAG, a good feeling as to when the nuc's may arrive?
Not complaining just a little anxious.
Ski, I don't see how you have made it this long. I have two colonies and I am dying to get another one. All I can think about is making splits so I can have more bees to work. Kurt, what about the info from the state on our test. Has anyone heard anything yet???? I wish I had started beekeeping when I was little. This has got to be one of the most fun things in this life.
Well it was supposed to be the first week of May, but...
I just received word that we should be getting them during the April 9th week.
So we are only looking at another week or so now.
The specifics depend on when Emerson and James will be taking the drive.
The nucs have been made up, but apparently are unable to be inspected.
Perhaps we will have them at the end of the week!
It is all weather dependant now!