If Ron gets off at 0800 do you want to meet earlier then 10:00 and have a cup of coffee or eat breakfast ?
Just meet at 0930 or 1000 at Wally's .
get wally to make us breakfast
rob Wally's hives and get some honey...be good with breakfast.
get shot by Wally when we try and rob his hives (that don't have honey because ts to early)
OR ?
...Ski has offically replaced Wally as the Funniest Reply KING. I am good for whatever. The earlier the better. I don't exactly eat like everyone else, so whatever we do I will eat before we go. I am a vegeterian. Actually NO animal products period.
The vegans (not sure about the spelling) have the opinion the beekeepers enslave there bees to make honey and therefore do not include it in their diet, or so I have read.
Swarming, where to put the honey what kind of nectar to get what to pollinate and how much. The bees at my house will not even listen let alone become enslaved.
I got a PM from Ron and it sounds like 0900 at Wally's if its still ok with Wally and L&H.
By the way...most vegans do think that beekeepers do enslave their bees. My bees are free roaming like yours. We try not to be with those hippies or whatever they are. We try to eat the best we can and taht is it. Steriods are good for batting averages but not for meat. Right???