Where's The Queen?

Bee related information that doesnt fit any where else

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Where's The Queen?

Post by ski »

Just A moment I thought I would share.
I have a bee talk today so I took the observation hive I had borrowed from Wally and headed down to the hives. I got lucky and found the queen on the second frame I pulled. I had already put a nice frame in the ob hive so I just needed to scoot the queen in. When I tried she ran to the other side of the frame and disappeared. I sat there for 5 minutes looking on that one frame and in ob hive and could not find her. I then heard a drone level buzzing in my left ear and noticed the queen fly down to the ground and then to the side of the hive. I scooped her up in my hands and put her in the ob hive. She either flew or crawled up my arm to my shoulder before I her her buzzing. Sometimes you can't find the queen because she is CRAWLING on you. lol
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