Extra big swarm

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Guard bee
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Extra big swarm

Post by mike91553 »

Pictures of this huge swarm on this webpage.
It certainly tops my record catch. Last week I had one that weighed 6.5 lbs and last year one over 9 lbs.


Hiving a swarm

4-H members Jesse and Chris size up the swarm.

It's bigger than the 4 gallon bucket we normally use to catch swarms, and weighs in at 26 pounds! Our biggest one so far. Big ones like this are referred to as "barrel swarms".

Jesse prepares to shake the swarm into a double box.

And in it goes!

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Re: Extra big swarm

Post by ski »

That is a big swarm.
My swarms would be about that size if I combine 4 or 5 well several of the biggest swarms I have ever seen.
Just some thoughts.
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