Bright ball of fire
Bright ball of fire
Did anyone else see what I saw today? A bright ball of fire in the southern sky. The bees seem to be happy that its up there. I wonder how many days it will take them to regain the weight that the hives lost this last week. My honey potential per hive that didn't swarm looks to be a little over half of what it was last year. Just my guess. What are you all expecting?
Re: Bright ball of fire
My bees were holed up tight in their hives until the sun came out this afternoon as well. This is our first year with the hives but I am told the hives are doing well. The package we bought seems to have finally expanded. Added a super this week. The swarm that was caught 4 weeks ago is going GREAT! Added a super last week. The split I acquired last week is working all 10 frames now.
We picked up a swarm today.
Now, if they will start producing honey, we'll be good. LOTS of brood, little honey yet.
We picked up a swarm today.
Now, if they will start producing honey, we'll be good. LOTS of brood, little honey yet.