Drones 2020

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Moderators: Jacobs, Wally

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Drones 2020

Post by Jacobs »

I examined hives today at the house. I saw capped drone brood with purple eyed drones in one of my stronger hives and several drones walking around on comb in another of my stronger hives. I haven't seen or heard any drones flying. If weather stays generally mild the rest of this month, we could be in for an early start to swarm season.
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Re: Drones 2020

Post by mike91553 »

I read that a swarm was reported in Wilson today. The call went to the Ag extension,
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Re: Drones 2020

Post by DuaneB »

Checked my hives on Monday and saw Drones in 3 of my stronger hives, as well.
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Re: Drones 2020

Post by WannaBee1 »

I, too, inspected on Monday and found the first drones emerging. The clusters were in the top of the hives close to the sugar blocks and just under the quilt boards. The brood nests seems to be closer to the sugar this year as I found no brood in the lower box(es). Is anyone else finding that this year? I wonder what the rain forecast for the next 48 hours will affect them. Hopefully winter won't kick in and ruin all the budding tree blossoms!
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