Chaseing down a swarm

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Guard bee
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Joined: Sun Mar 30, 2008 9:34 pm
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Chaseing down a swarm

Post by mike91553 »

Got a call yesterday one of my hives had swarmed onto the side of a fence post. This yards about 9 miles from home and I saw a huge mass of bees from the road as I drove up. Went for a closer look and to turn off the electric fence and all of a sudden they were airborne . Grabbed my box with frames and some drawn comb and swarm commander and started after them quick as I could. Lucky they were moving slow and spread way out and some landing on grass to rest their full bellies I guess. Toted the brood box over a 1/3 mile across the pasture before they finally started going in good while I held it. Here's the link shows them coming in.
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