all my bees are dead

Local question related to beekeeping in the Piedmont Triad area asked and answered here!

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all my bees are dead

Post by p51d »

I took the course this spring and it was informative. Got a begineers kit, 3 lbs bees, queen.

Basically the hive was well and 9 of the frames of the brood box were complete with honey, pollen, and bees after feeding for months. Added a medium one month ago with a queen excluder.

Everything looked great. Followed sinstructions on feeding, only recently removed the hove reducer.

Over the last month the bees have been coming and going, even the medium had wax and bees working as of inspection 3 - 4 weeks ago. (I try not to disturb them)

Returned from a couple of days away an today all the bees are dead except 20, a new queen is in the brood, BUT THERE IS NO HONEY or Pollen.

I am defeated. (there were some hive beetles) the entire colony is dead except the new queen, 20 bees, and zippo honey.

Possible robbing? Did the bees lose the queen, eat there stores, or did I mess up?

The frames are now wax but there is no honey, and a few bees are developed and coming out...(maybe 25) there are some dead in the cells, but I don't see symptoms of brood disease.

I feel like cutting and running....thanks for any suggestions on what I did wrong to learn.
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Joined: Mon Jun 19, 2006 6:58 pm
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Post by No=-Bee's »

Don't cut and run. I am now in the bee business as well, and just yesterday assisted in taking a colony out of a house. I will be feeding them through the winter in hopes of getting them through.
Ron, "Now with bees"

Post by Guest »

Thanks...I might try again..A local beekeeper said I starved them to death....they had nothing to forage this time of year. A month ago they had stores and I tried not to disturb expensive mistake I guess...I was relying on them coming and going as o.k....
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