2013 North Carolina State Beekeepers Association Meetings

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Guard bee
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2013 North Carolina State Beekeepers Association Meetings

Post by ski »

Information from the Bee-Buzz.
The Bee Buzz is the official Newsletter of the North Carolina State Beekeepers Association.

North Carolina State Beekeepers Association Meetings

The 2013, NC/SC joint spring meeting will be held in Rock Hill, SC, March 1 & 2. More information can be found
on line at the South Carolina Beekeepers Association site at http://www.scstatebeekeepers.org NCSBA's

Summer Meeting will be held July 11-13, 2013 at Sandhills Community College, in the Southern Pines-Pinehurst-Aberdeen area of Moore County.

Plans are being made to have our Spring Meeting March 5-8, 2014 at the convention center Wilmington, NC.

From The South carolina Site:
2013 Spring Meeting

12 Dec 2012 8:23 PM | Wayne Bell (Administrator)

The South Carolina Beekeepers Association will host a joint spring meeting with the North Carolina State Beekeepers Association at the Baxter Hood Conference Center, York Technical College, Rock Hill, South Carolina on 1-2 March 2013.

Rock Hill is conveniently located on I-77 about 15 miles south of Charlotte, North Carolina. The conference center is located about two miles from several hotels including: Baymont Inn & Suites, rate: $79 (803-329-1330), Wingate by Wyndham Inn, rate: $89 (ph. 803-324-9000), and the Hampton Inn, rate: $104 (803-325-1100). because of competing events in the Rock Hill area, you may wish to reserve a room early.

Speakers for the meeting will include Jerry Hayes, Monsanto, St. Louis, Missouri; David Tarpy, N.C. State University; Sue Cobey, Univ. California-Davis; Bart Smith, USDA/ARS Beltsville, Maryland Bee Lab; Stanley Schneider, UNC-Charlotte;Jamie Ellis, Univ. of Florida, Gainesville; and Mike Hood, Clemson Univ., Clemson, SC.

Early registration for members of either of the state associations will be $20 for individuals and $30 for families. Early registration for non-members will $25 for individuals and $35 for families. Onsite registration fees will be $10 higher for each category.

The meeting will begin at 2 PM on Friday, 1 March, with a general session followed by a panel discussion. An evening dinner ($18 advance ticket required) will be held on Friday and will be followed by our keynote speaker, Mike Hood. A country string band will perform during the evening dinner.

Another general session will begin at 8:30 on Saturday morning and several workshops will be offered in the afternoon. The meeting will end at 5 PM.

Registration for the Spring meeting will be opened on January 1, 2013.
Just some thoughts.
Guard bee
Posts: 1018
Joined: Sat Jan 27, 2007 10:40 am
Location: Whitsett, NC

Re: 2013 North Carolina State Beekeepers Association Meeting

Post by ski »


Friday, March 1, 2013
12:00 Noon Meeting Registration – Baxter Hood Convention Center Lobby
Exhibitor Setup - Baxter Hood Convention Center Lobby
2:00 p.m. Invocation – Jimmy Powell, York County Beekeepers Assoc. Chaplain
“Welcome to Rock Hill and Legislative Update” – State Senator Wes Hayes, District 15
2:20 Announcements and Introductions - Mike Hood, Extension Apiculturist, Clemson University.
2:30 Presidents’ Comments – Eck Miller (SCBA) and Danny Jaynes (NCSBA)
2:45 “Monsanto’s Commitment to Honey Bee Health” - Jerry Hayes, Monsanto, St. Louis,Missouri
3:45 “Enhancing Genetic Diversity in the US Honey Bee Gene Pool” - Sue Cobey, Washington State University
4:15 “Honey Bee Research at the University of Florida” - Jamie Ellis, Univ. of Florida-Gainesville
4:45 Panel Discussion (questions from the audience) Panelists: David Tarpy, Sue Cobey, Jerry Hayes, Jamie Ellis
7:00 Banquet - Baxter Hood Convention Center - Advance Tickets Required ($18)
--Henry Nunnery and the “Old Fogies and Friends” Country String Band
--Keynote Address “Carolina Beekeeping on the South Side” – Mike Hood

Snacks will be served during breaks. Door Prizes will be given throughout. Vendors and Exhibitors will be set up for your shopping convenience. This is a great way to pick up your spring supplies. Call ahead to your favorite vendor to place your order or drop in to pick it up. This schedule is subject to change. You will receive a schedule in your registration packet.

Saturday, March 2, 2013
8:30 a.m. Announcements and Door Prizes
8:45 “North Carolina State University Apiculture Research Update” - David Tarpy, Extension /Research Apiculturist, NC State University
9:15 “Worker – Drone Interactions & the Influence on Drone Quality On These Interactions”
– Stanley Schneider, Professor, Department of Biology, University of North Carolina, Charlotte, NC
10:15 “The New World Carniolan Program, In Its 31st Generation” - Sue Cobey
10:45 “Impacts of Pesticides on Honey Bees” - Jamie Ellis
11:15 “Stump the Professor” - Jerry Hayes (questions from the audience)
11:45 Announcements and Introduction to Workshops
12:00 State Associations Meet Separately for Business
12:45 p.m. LUNCH on your own

2:00 45 Minute Concurrent Workshops (All sessions will begin at 2:00, 3:00 and 4:00)10
1. “How to Use the BEES Network in Your School” - David Tarpy
2. “Recognition and Treatment of Bee Diseases” - Bart Smith, Entomologist, USDA/ARS Bee Lab, Beltsville, MD
3. “What You Need to Know about Africanized Honey Bees” - Jamie Ellis
4. “Rearing High Quality Queens” - Sue Cobey
5. “Value of Pesticides and Their Proper Use in Beekeeping” - Jerry Hayes
6. “Small Hive Beetle Management” - Mike Hood
5:00 End - Have a Safe Trip Home !
Just some thoughts.
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