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Good info for spring.

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 8:28 pm
by Wally

Re: Good info for spring.

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 10:41 pm
by pholcomb
Excellent article. Thanks Wally.


Re: Good info for spring.

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 9:44 am
by WannaBee1
I agree, this is a good article. The guy had a checklist that I thought was very helpful. I might modify it for digital format so I can take it with me when I check my hive.

I do have a question, though. What he's referring to when he writes "bad comb" in the context I've quoted? I'm just not sure if he means foundation they haven't yet drawn out or ones they don't seem to by using.
Total # of Bad Combs?
This is a reminder to bring several good combs to the next inspection. If the bad combs are empty or nearly empty we need to replace them. So many of our members have bad combs that we’re working on a method to induce the bees to clean out the bad combs so they can be replaced.

Re: Good info for spring.

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 10:21 am
by Wally
A bad comb is any comb you are not happy with. They may have built two combs on the same frame. They may have left an area of plastic they refuse to build on. It may be a large section of drone comb in the brood area. Even an old frame you want to rotate out. Possibly a broken bottom slat. Anything you would like to get out of the hive, you need to have a replacement frame to go in it's place.