Cut Out April 03, 2016

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Cut Out April 03, 2016

Post by donwal »

Great day in the bee yard today. Sally and I helped with a cut out last Sunday. Working on getting all of the pictures together. In the short video below, the first hive shown is from that cut out. The gentleman who owned the home wanted to start his own hive from the cut out. I took over my equipment and I put 7 frames with brood, larva and eggs in an 8 frame deep. We left this at his house. I then put 4 frames with brood, larva and eggs in a five frame nuc box and I brought it home with me. We were not able to find the queen, but hoped that she was in one of the boxes. He purchased his own hive bodies this past week and transferred them into his set-up. They were working on two queen cells. When I did a very quick check on the nuc I brought home, I saw eggs in the empty drawn out comb I had put in the box. Did not spend time looking for the queen, just wanted to see how they were doing. ... 3873268054
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Re: Cut Out April 03, 2016

Post by donwal »

Checked the cut out hive today, I have them in a 5 deep frame nuc box. The queen is doing a great job laying, great pattern, two frames of capped brood, one frame with eggs and young larva. They have started attaching the cut out come to the frames. Still have not put my eyes on the queen. These are very calm bees.
Guard bee
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Re: Cut Out April 03, 2016

Post by donwal »

Finally got all of our pictures together from the cut out Sally and I helped a homeowner with on April 03rd. Put them together in a video.
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