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Is this normal?

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 3:21 pm
by tararusiewicz
I'm brand new to beekeeping, and just did my first official inspection, since the queen was released. This is what the top of the hive looks like.. is this burr comb... does it need to be removed?

Re: Is this normal?

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 3:28 pm
by Jacobs
It looks like your bee space is off. When starting out, you should push your frames together and center them. Any extra space should be at the sides of the super. Do not push them together now until you have dealt with the extra or bulging comb. If the bees have built double comb, you can gently peel away the second layer, the one that is not fully attached to the foundation. Send me a pm or call me at 336 740-1703 and we can see about a mentor visit if your bees are in the Guilford County area.

Re: Is this normal?

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 3:37 pm
by tararusiewicz
This picture was taken after I removed one of the outer frames, so there is more space in the picture than when the hive was closed. That white comb was all stuck together when I started moving the frames.

Re: Is this normal?

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 4:47 pm
by Jacobs
Burr comb between frames and between the bottom of upper and top of lower frames is fairly normal this time of year either during heavy feeding or during a good nectar flow. If bees have built out 8 of 10 (or 6 of 8 in an 8 frame) and bees are occupying most of the frames, it is probably time to add a super.

Re: Is this normal?

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 6:27 am
by Wally
As Jacobs said, You need to have a mentor come out and help you clean the frames and rearrange them so the bees draw straight comb. It is free, and should be used before the situation gets any worse.

Re: Is this normal?

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 8:19 am
by tararusiewicz
The outer frames were pretty empty, so I wasn't planning to add anything yet. I am feeding them with a hive-top feeder. I would appreciate someone coming to help me out if it is needed at this point. I was going to reinspect in a week or so, and see what is going on. It was hard to tell if there were eggs or not.. I wasn't sure exactly what I was looking for. Thank you! I appreciate the help :)

Re: Is this normal?

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 8:28 am
by Jacobs
I have to go to Benjamin Branch library for a bee presentation at 10:30 am today. Can you give me a call (336 740-1703) and see if we can make time as soon after I am done as possible. The next 2 days look bad from a weather standpoint.

Re: Is this normal?

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 12:21 pm
by Jacobs
I just got back from Tara's and finished with activating a few new forum members. Tara spotted the queen and we saw eggs, larvae, and capped worker brood. We got most of the excess comb cleaned up and all appears well for now.

Re: Is this normal?

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 4:10 pm
by tararusiewicz
Update.. went out today to check the hive. Everything seems normal, I think. I wasn't able to spot the queen this time, but the weather wasn't cooperating so I was a bit rushed. Here are some photos I took today.

Re: Is this normal?

Posted: Mon May 01, 2017 5:30 am
by Wally
I hope you pushed all the frames tightly together and centered before closing it up. The way the frames are in the middle pic, they will draw wild comb between the frames.

Re: Is this normal?

Posted: Mon May 01, 2017 6:41 am
by tararusiewicz
Yes I did!