Swarm traps worked

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Swarm traps worked

Post by bubbasbees »

Hello all,
Set out two homemade 5 frame nuc type traps a couple weeks ago using lemon grass oil as bait. Noticed a few bees flying
around one of the traps Sunday afternoon. Checked the traps today and Both traps were busy with bees and looking good.
Will leave them alone for a week or so before checking for queens. When I installed the traps, I put a frame of left over honey so I know they will be good until we start feeding them. We are located in the McLeansville area near Hicone Rd.
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Re: Swarm traps worked

Post by DuaneB »

I put a frame with some honey in a swarm box last year. Don't confuse robbing for probing, like I did.
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Re: Swarm traps worked

Post by Jacobs »

What DuaneB said. I try and use only open dark comb(no nectar, honey or pollen) so that if interest picks up, it is more likely scouts and not foragers/robbers. After a few days, look for bees that are landing and walking straight in with pollen on the back legs. If you see that, you likely have a swarm that moved in and a queen that is laying or about to start laying. If a significant number of the bees coming to the trap are doing little zig-zag moves just before landing and you see no pollen going in, you are more likely to have robbers.
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Re: Swarm traps worked

Post by Wally »

As above, watch the bees entering. If carrying pollen, move the colonies tonight and open them tomorrow. If they have been there a week, a new swarm is likely ready for #'s 6 thru 10 frames. They work fast when first hived. From a 5 frame nuc, they may swarm again within 2 to 3 weeks.
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Re: Swarm traps worked

Post by bubbasbees »

Thanks for the great advice from everyone and I will check them more throughly this weekend and let everyone know what I find.
Fingers crossed and hoping for some free bees.
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