Swarm 4/28/20

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Moderators: Jacobs, Wally

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Guard bee
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Swarm 4/28/20

Post by Jacobs »

Those darn Stadiem bees swarmed again-the 4th time I am aware of. They will come to the Swarm Commander, if and ONLY if you play them a tune. Tanging these bees seems to work. I suspected another swarm because I heard queen piping in the home hive for the last 3 days and saw no dead queens in front of the hive. I have crowded this swarm into a medium nuc and the queen is in a catcher clip. I will let her out Thursday afternoon. I'm giving serious thought to pinching the 3 queens from these swarms and combining the bees into a more stable colony. I'm not sure I want to keep this swarmy set of genetics.
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