Master Beekeeper Testing-6/26/21

Upcoming events of the club and requests for appearances of club members at public or private enterprises.

Moderators: Jacobs, Wally

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Guard bee
Posts: 1889
Joined: Sat Feb 17, 2007 12:36 pm
Location: Greensboro, NC

Master Beekeeper Testing-6/26/21

Post by Jacobs »

MBP Proctor/Coordinator Notice:

The NCSBA Master Beekeeper Program committee will offer written testing
for Journeyman and Master levels on June 26, 2021. To let interested
beekeepers know, I am seeking your assistance in getting the word out.
Pre-registration is mandatory, and all approved registrants will be
required to sign a “Waiver of Liability” to participate. CDC guidelines
will be followed limiting participants to 30 beekeepers, approved face
coverings are required and social distancing mandated. To start the
registration process, candidates should email
stating their name, the testing level they require, and their NCSBA
number. They will receive a reply email with additional details.
Registration will close June 11, 2021.

Testing will be held in the class room at Hidden Happiness Bee Farm,
1106 Chestnut Mountain Road, Deep Gap, NC 28618. This is located about 1
mile off SR 421 on the Wilkes County, Watauga County line in the western
part of North Carolina. If sufficient interest exists, a second testing
date and site will be established in the central to eastern part of the

Thank you for your assistance.

Guard bee
Posts: 1889
Joined: Sat Feb 17, 2007 12:36 pm
Location: Greensboro, NC

Re: Master Beekeeper Testing-6/26/21 & 7/24/21

Post by Jacobs »

-----Original Message-----
From: Committees <> On Behalf Of mbp--- via Committees
Sent: Monday, May 31, 2021 2:31 PM
Subject: [NCSBA COMM] Additional Advanced level MBP testing at Alamance County Center, July 24, 2021

NCSBA Executive Committee notice:

The NCSBA Master Beekeeper Program committee will offer written and practical testing for Journeyman and Master levels on July 24, 2021. To let interested beekeepers know, I am seeking your assistance in getting the word out. Pre-registration is mandatory, and all approved registrants will be required to sign a “Waiver of Liability” to participate. Approved face coverings will be required and social distancing protocols will be followed. To start the registration process, candidates should email stating their name, the testing level they require, and their NCSBA number. They will receive a reply email with additional details. Registration will close Friday, July 9, 2021.

Testing will be held at The Alamance County Center, 209 Graham-Hopedale Road, Burlington, NC 27217.

Thank you for your assistance.

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