Going out of business sale

Maybe you are looking for something specific or maybe you just have some beekeeping supplies you no longer need. Post it here and see what happens.

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Joined: Tue Jun 12, 2012 8:23 pm

Going out of business sale

Post by quentin »

All woodenware is for 8 frame
All pieces are used but workable, some are near new.

$5 each:

medium supers
Hive stands
bottom boards
Queen excluders
Inner covers
Telescopic tops

$2 each

Boardman feeder base only
3/4" shim spacers

Bee vac less shop vac $20

Refractometer $5

Hot knives $10

Other items, swarm bucket, robber screens,hardware cloth, etc, all priced low.

Will bring to meeting at 6:30 PM on the 11th.
Please bring cash.
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